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Terms and Conditions
ï‚· Aspire Dance reserves the right to alter the times and days of classes. If classes are cancelled / rear-ranged due to circumstances beyond our control, the lost time will be made up.
ï‚· Fees paid for the term are for 12 hours of tuition.
ï‚· It is the responsibility of the student/parent/guardian to inform the school of any change in person-al details.
ï‚· Only students who have been registered will be allowed to take part in the classes.
ï‚· Any student displaying bad conduct, disturbing the class, and having general misbehaviour will be asked to leave the course and fees will not be refunded.
ï‚· Students are not permitted to teach/perform outside of Aspire Dance Classes.
ï‚· All students are advised to wear loose fitting clothing. The majority of the classes will be taught with bare feet, dance shoes will be allowed under certain circumstances. Jeans, high heels, large earrings, long chains are not permitted to be worn in class.
ï‚· No cameras or video recording equipment are allowed in class, except with written permission. All photographs taken by the classes during classes are copyright of Aspire Dance
 Dance classes can involve risk of personal injury. While Aspire Dance takes all reasonable care in the conduct of its classes, it accepts no responsibility for injury caused during classes or whilst partici-pants are at or near the venue. You (for under 16’s your parent/guardian) are responsible for ensur-ing that you are physically and mentally fit for the class and abide by the instructions and expecta-tions of the class teacher. During the class you must take care of your own personal safety at all times. Before beginning any of the courses it is advised to obtain the approval of your doctor as with starting any new form of exercise.
ï‚· Parents/Guardians should be aware of class timings and be there on time to pick their child up. If student leave classes by themselves please request a CLASS PICK UP CONSENT FORM.
ï‚· Parents and student should understand the full commitment should be made to Aspire Dance clas-ses, otherwise this could affect participation in future events/shows.

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